Here at Smoky Mountain Chevrolet we love to interact with the community and we seize the opportunity to provide incentives any chance we get. Well the month of March is a great month to take advantage of the great give-aways we have going on here at the dealership.
The first give-away is a drawing for a free $100 Visa giftcard. The Franklin Press has recently been featuring a scavenger hunt in which we participated in. As an added bonus just for stopping by we have set up a registry and a drawing box for anyone who not only took part in the scavenger hunt, but simply stopped in the dealership. Registration is simple all we need is your: name, address, phone number, and email address; that's it! Consider yourself registered. The drawing will be held on March 29, 2010 so be sure and get registered before then!
We can't forget the kids! The second opportunity to win is for children ages 5-10. Throughout the month of March we are featuring a coloring contest for children. The prize is a $100 Visa Giftcard. Once again entering to win is very simple! Just have your child color the picture below and bring it by the dealership. You may also find the coloring page in the Franklin Press on March 3 and March 10 2010. The coloring pages will be judged by graphic artists at the Franklin Press, Kevin Yee and Melody Kirsten-Germain. All submissions must be made by March 26, 2010. The winner will be announced April 1, 2010. Kids remember to do your best! Your coloring skills will be put on display in our showroom.
** Limit one submission per child.
We are located at 71 Cat Creek Road Franklin, NC 28734. Anyone who would like to participate in either giveaway are more than welcome! If you are unable to print a standard size page of the coloring image below, please email me at and I will send one to you!

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