Friday, March 5, 2010


Here at Smoky Mountain Chevrolet we love to interact with the community and we seize the opportunity to provide incentives any chance we get. Well the month of March is a great month to take advantage of the great give-aways we have going on here at the dealership.

The first give-away is a drawing for a free $100 Visa giftcard. The Franklin Press has recently been featuring a scavenger hunt in which we participated in. As an added bonus just for stopping by we have set up a registry and a drawing box for anyone who not only took part in the scavenger hunt, but simply stopped in the dealership. Registration is simple all we need is your: name, address, phone number, and email address; that's it! Consider yourself registered. The drawing will be held on March 29, 2010 so be sure and get registered before then!

We can't forget the kids! The second opportunity to win is for children ages 5-10. Throughout the month of March we are featuring a coloring contest for children. The prize is a $100 Visa Giftcard. Once again entering to win is very simple! Just have your child color the picture below and bring it by the dealership. You may also find the coloring page in the Franklin Press on March 3 and March 10 2010. The coloring pages will be judged by graphic artists at the Franklin Press, Kevin Yee and Melody Kirsten-Germain. All submissions must be made by March 26, 2010. The winner will be announced April 1, 2010. Kids remember to do your best! Your coloring skills will be put on display in our showroom.
** Limit one submission per child.
We are located at 71 Cat Creek Road Franklin, NC 28734. Anyone who would like to participate in either giveaway are more than welcome! If you are unable to print a standard size page of the coloring image below, please email me at and I will send one to you!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

New Camaro's Arriving Soon!

Since the introduction of the Camaro in 1967 the Camaro is one of Chevrolet's most renowned legends in terms of track performance and general drivability. Even the cars we are building today with the V6 engine have as much or more horsepower than the earlier models. Today Camaro's are by far the best Camaro's ever made in terms of performance, luxury, and special features.

In the near future at Smoky Mountain Chevrolet we are going to have 12 new Camaro's on our lot. Available in just about every color scheme possible. As of now we have an Aqua Blue SS on the lot in which the color has already been deleted by Chevrolet so this color will no longer be available; it is truly one of a kind. Coming soon, in roughly six weeks, we have red, orange, synergy green, and several racing stripe combinations (customer's choice) that will be available on our lot. These cars are some of the first Camaro's we have had available that are not pre-sold. We are doing something a little different with these Camaro's in which the consumer will be able to put a deposit on the vehicle to ensure it will be available upon arrival.

We will have everything from the V6 304 horsepower to 1 of 250 575 horsepower Camaros. The 575 Camaro is the highest horsepower Camaro car ever made by Chevrolet it will be numbered and will be a collectible. Anyone else making a vehicle of this horsepower will be an aftermarket company trying to compete but none are Chevrolet companies. As in the old days the more powerful big block cars had the potential to be worth more than houses. Today's Camaro's are sure to follow suit and be considered collectibles with the capability of holding just as much value. The 575 has stage two upgraded brembo brakes. Brembo brakes are the best breaks in the racing industry and they now come standard on the SS Camaros; with a full GM warranty. They also come with adjustable sway bars which move weight around on the car for better handling ability.

Don't let the horsepower fool you, the V6 Camaros get 29 mpg and the V8 vehicles get 25 mpg +- according to the driver. These Camaro's can be used as a daily vehicle. With the retro look these cars favor the first and second generation Camaro's but they are not in fact the 69 Camaro, they are better! Cars we have today are better from bumper to bumper. Come and register for yours today we will have the largest inventory and the biggest selection of Camaro's available.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dealerships: What You Don't Know

As you will find in my profile information, I am a 2009 graduate of Western Carolina University. I graduated with honors and a B.S.B.A in Business Administration and Law. I am currently employed at Smoky Mountain Chevrolet as the Internet Manager. Meaning at this point I have only been at the dealership full time about two months. You may be asking yourself, "why would she be working in a car dealership?". Well, my job is not a far cry from what I went to school for. I mean obviously from the legal aspect it is a little off, but from the business aspect it has been an amazing learning experience. I have learned so much about what goes on inside a car dealership, what keeps it running, and some shocking truths that I was not aware existed until I began working here; and I have not even began to scratch the surface of everything I have to learn.

Before I got this job I was just like any other car buying citizen. I was always concerned that the salesman was jacking up the price, not telling me all the facts about the vehicle, or just straight up lying to my face to make a sale so he could get his commission. Folks I am here to tell you that things like that just simply are not true. It is virtually impossible to cheat anyone in today's world of technology. I mean let's face it consumer's have every weapon possible at their disposal to combat being bamboozled by a salesman. Consumer's have carfax reports, auto-checks; resources like Edmunds, Kelly Blue Book, Black Book, Autotrader,, the list goes on and on. And believe me customer's come in armed and ready to do battle against the evil white piece of paper you have turned over on your desk that shows "the bottom dollar". Now, I know what you are thinking; you're thinking that I am just trying to promote our dealership. Maybe a little, but more than anything I genuinely want people to find trust within dealerships again. I want to establish a renewed faith in the GM brand, GM dealerships, and the automotive industry in general. Afterall, my livelihood and the livelihood of the dealersip depends on one thing, the customer.

Everyday I get asked this question: "What is your bottom dollar price that you can give me on this vehicle?" Now, keep in mind I've only been at Smoky Mountain Chevrolet about two months, and that question my friends is a bitter sweet melody to my ears. I love this question because I know that a customer is genuinely interested in a vehicle. At this point I get extremely excited for two reasons: number one they are talking to me, and number two I may help them get a new vehicle (and that in itself is exciting because I've had a new car and I know what that feels like). I do not so much love this question because when I give the answer, I am apparently automatically (in alot of cases) trying to jerk a deal right out from under them. Not true. As I previously mentioned there are just simply too many resources available to consumer's for me or any other "salesman" (I despise this title because it has such a negative connotation) to swindle anyone. If I lied, 99.999% of the time the customer is going to know and then that makes me and the dealership look like a bunch of crooks. Why would I want to do that? The answer, I wouldn't!

That is precisely why we pre-price our vehicles online. We provide you with the carfax reports online with the used vehicles. We show all available rebates that customer's have access to. I don't know if any of you have ever been to, but if you visit our website we actually have a research page where you can search all those resource tools I previously mentioned. Therefore, you can come in with the knowledge necessary to make an informed purchase. We want you to feel comfortable here and know that we are not hiding anything from you.

So consumers everywhere do not fear the dreaded turned over white sheet of paper! Do not fear the 10 million dollar mark-up, it's like the monster under your bed, not real! In fact here at Smoky Mountain Chevrolet we don't even turn the paper over, we discuss things with you like the competent, armed with information, consumer that you are. We are people trying to make a living just like you are. We don't have any secrets here, we really want to help you. The thing that has impressed me the most about working here is that I have seen people that on any other day may not have a chance at a new or used vehicle; but we give them that chance and we work so hard to give them the opportunity to make that purchase and become an owner.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Game Day!

As an avid sports lover, I felt that it would be appropriate to start things off today talking about the big game. For those of you who aren't aware because you don't watch sports tv, or just simply aren't a fan, I may need to inform you what today is. Today is the illustrious and much anticipated UNC Tarheels vs. Duke Blue Devils, college basketball game. Now, depending on who your pick is, opinions on this subject will vary a great deal. It is no secret that I myself am a HUGE Carolina Fan. I love the coaching, the players, the atmosphere, and more than anything the tradition behind a long line of greatness and championships. (Plus Carolina blue is much more my color). Now those of you in favor of the opposing side or just any other team in general may say to me you guys aren't very good this year. As a reliable and true fan I would have the following rebuttal.

This year is a rebuilding year. We've just won a National Championship. We've said goodbye to an all-star starting line-up, several of whom went on to play pro. I mean we're talking about a team that is coached by someone with something like two national championships and seven final fours. This guy knows what he's doing. Roy wouldn't call up a bunch of guys and put them on a power-house team like Carolina if he didn't think they would be able to get the job done. I mean on the roster right now we've got 5 freshmen, 4 sophmores, 1 junior, and 6 seniors. After this season (which will pick up soon), they aren't losing many. This season they are gaining the experience, the confidence, and the skill of playing on a collegiate level that is necessary to be a championship team.

If anyone watches Carolina they see the timidness, and the inexperience. These guys aren't used to each other in a game situation just yet. It takes time, team building, and being on the court with other teams, in order to gain and establish a rhythm with your teammates. It's one thing to play against each other in practice because you know one another's tendencies on offense and defense. It's a totally different story when you play against guys that you've never seen before.

The bad news, Travis Wear is out with a sprained ankle. The good news it's at home. The Heels are due for a win! There is victory in sight!