As you will find in my profile information, I am a 2009 graduate of Western Carolina University. I graduated with honors and a B.S.B.A in Business Administration and Law. I am currently employed at Smoky Mountain Chevrolet as the Internet Manager. Meaning at this point I have only been at the dealership full time about two months. You may be asking yourself, "why would she be working in a car dealership?". Well, my job is not a far cry from what I went to school for. I mean obviously from the legal aspect it is a little off, but from the business aspect it has been an amazing learning experience. I have learned so much about what goes on inside a car dealership, what keeps it running, and some shocking truths that I was not aware existed until I began working here; and I have not even began to scratch the surface of everything I have to learn.
Before I got this job I was just like any other car buying citizen. I was always concerned that the salesman was jacking up the price, not telling me all the facts about the vehicle, or just straight up lying to my face to make a sale so he could get his commission. Folks I am here to tell you that things like that just simply are not true. It is virtually impossible to cheat anyone in today's world of technology. I mean let's face it consumer's have every weapon possible at their disposal to combat being bamboozled by a salesman. Consumer's have carfax reports, auto-checks; resources like Edmunds, Kelly Blue Book, Black Book, Autotrader,, the list goes on and on. And believe me customer's come in armed and ready to do battle against the evil white piece of paper you have turned over on your desk that shows "the bottom dollar". Now, I know what you are thinking; you're thinking that I am just trying to promote our dealership. Maybe a little, but more than anything I genuinely want people to find trust within dealerships again. I want to establish a renewed faith in the GM brand, GM dealerships, and the automotive industry in general. Afterall, my livelihood and the livelihood of the dealersip depends on one thing, the customer.
Everyday I get asked this question: "What is your bottom dollar price that you can give me on this vehicle?" Now, keep in mind I've only been at Smoky Mountain Chevrolet about two months, and that question my friends is a bitter sweet melody to my ears. I love this question because I know that a customer is genuinely interested in a vehicle. At this point I get extremely excited for two reasons: number one they are talking to me, and number two I may help them get a new vehicle (and that in itself is exciting because I've had a new car and I know what that feels like). I do not so much love this question because when I give the answer, I am apparently automatically (in alot of cases) trying to jerk a deal right out from under them. Not true. As I previously mentioned there are just simply too many resources available to consumer's for me or any other "salesman" (I despise this title because it has such a negative connotation) to swindle anyone. If I lied, 99.999% of the time the customer is going to know and then that makes me and the dealership look like a bunch of crooks. Why would I want to do that? The answer, I wouldn't!
That is precisely why we pre-price our vehicles online. We provide you with the carfax reports online with the used vehicles. We show all available rebates that customer's have access to. I don't know if any of you have ever been to, but if you visit our website we actually have a research page where you can search all those resource tools I previously mentioned. Therefore, you can come in with the knowledge necessary to make an informed purchase. We want you to feel comfortable here and know that we are not hiding anything from you.
So consumers everywhere do not fear the dreaded turned over white sheet of paper! Do not fear the 10 million dollar mark-up, it's like the monster under your bed, not real! In fact here at Smoky Mountain Chevrolet we don't even turn the paper over, we discuss things with you like the competent, armed with information, consumer that you are. We are people trying to make a living just like you are. We don't have any secrets here, we really want to help you. The thing that has impressed me the most about working here is that I have seen people that on any other day may not have a chance at a new or used vehicle; but we give them that chance and we work so hard to give them the opportunity to make that purchase and become an owner.